Confidentiality Agreement Indemnities

Confidentiality Agreement Indemnities: What You Need to Know

A confidentiality agreement (CA), also known as a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), is a legal contract between two parties that outlines the terms of confidentiality for any information shared between them. This agreement is used to protect sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties.

While a CA is a powerful tool for protecting confidential information, there are situations where it may fail to provide adequate protection. This is where confidentiality agreement indemnities come in. In this article, we’ll discuss what indemnities are, why they’re important, and how they can be used in a confidentiality agreement.

What are Indemnities?

Indemnities are clauses found in contracts that protect a party from financial loss resulting from a breach of contract. Essentially, they are a promise by one party to compensate the other party for any losses suffered as a result of the contract being breached.

Indemnities are commonly used in many different types of contracts, such as employment contracts, lease agreements, and service agreements. They can be used to protect against a variety of risks, including breaches of confidentiality.

Why are Indemnities Important in Confidentiality Agreements?

Confidentiality agreements are designed to protect sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties. However, even the most carefully drafted agreements may not be enough to prevent breaches from occurring. This is where indemnities come in.

By including an indemnity clause in a confidentiality agreement, the disclosing party can ensure that they will be compensated for any losses suffered as a result of a breach of the agreement by the receiving party. This may include damages resulting from the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information or any other breach of the agreement.

Indemnities can also serve as a powerful deterrent against breaches of the agreement. Knowing that they could be held liable for any losses suffered by the disclosing party may encourage the receiving party to take the agreement more seriously and take greater care in protecting the confidential information they receive.

How to Include Indemnities in a Confidentiality Agreement

When including an indemnity clause in a confidentiality agreement, it’s important to ensure that the clause is clear and unambiguous. The clause should clearly state which party is responsible for indemnifying the other party in the event of a breach of the agreement, and it should also specify the scope of the indemnity.

For example, the indemnity clause might state that the receiving party is responsible for indemnifying the disclosing party for any losses suffered as a result of a breach of the agreement, including damages, legal fees, and other costs.

Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the indemnity clause is enforceable. This may require consulting with an attorney to ensure that the clause complies with local laws and regulations, and that it is drafted in a way that is legally binding.


Confidentiality agreement indemnities are an important tool for protecting sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure. By including an indemnity clause in a confidentiality agreement, the disclosing party can ensure that they will be compensated for any losses suffered as a result of a breach of the agreement.

If you’re drafting a confidentiality agreement, it’s important to consider including an indemnity clause to provide additional protection for your confidential information. By working with an experienced attorney, you can ensure that your agreement includes all the necessary clauses to provide the maximum possible protection for your sensitive information.